Murder Mystery Dinner Death Amid the Winter’s Snow

Murder Mystery Dinner - Death Amid The Winters Snow

An icy blast had descended on Whitstone Manor in late December 1935 as the Oldacre family gathered for their annual Christmas get together. The yearly pilgrimage to the family home, set amongst the lonely tors of Dartmoor, was something not many of the family looked forward to but something that had to be borne with fortitude until Boxing Day gave them the chance to escape. Failure to appear would cause displeasure and might result in the changing of a Will and the loss of a potential inheritance.

This year was no exception but as they all arrived for what must be endured rather than enjoyed they could not have known that a sudden death would change their lives. For some, perhaps, a legacy which would enable them to realise their ambitions but for one or more of them, a loss of freedom and nothing to look forward to but the gallows if they were named as the murderer of Silas Oldacre, the patriarch who ruled his family with a rod of iron but who, this year, met a violent and unnatural end.

The storm which raged outside had cut them off from the outside world and there was no hope of the proper authorities getting through for some time. One of the family takes charge of the situation, determined to get to the truth and identify the killer.

All the clues will be there to solve the mystery but will they will be correctly deduced? The Investigator calls on all those present at Whitstone Manor to assist him and get to the truth before the killer has the opportunity to strike again.

Festive Menu

Red Pepper & Tomato Soup or Prawn Cocktail

Main Course
Stuffed Turkey Breast with Seasonal Trimmings or Veggie Wellington

Classic Christmas Pudding with Brandy Cream or Apple Crumble with Custard or Pouring Cream

Please note this is a set menu.
Murder Mystery Dinner Death Amid the Winter